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Philanthropist Campaigns For Canines

FORT  LAUDERDALE, FL (July 11, 2010) – Arthur Benjamin chokes with emotion as he speaks about Buddy, the teacup poodle who was so close to his wife, Gail, that he could predict her seizures in the final days of her cancer battle.  Seeing her bond with Buddy transformed the Delray Beach resident from a dog lover into a canine crusader.  In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the image of a dog running after an evacuation bus spurred him to action.  He put an ad on his website featuring Buddy’s photo and the text, “White, good-looking male seeks Cajun girlfriend to wed, swimmers preferred.”  The ad went viral, raised ,000 to help pets stranded by the disaster and yielded Buddy a companion poodle, Holly.  As Benjamin’s passion for animal rescue grew, he focused on the goal of finding a home for every adoptable dog, and he founded American Dog Rescue ( in 2009 to achieve that goal.  After the earthquake in Haiti, ADR offered a $50,000 challenge grant to raise funds for the rescue of pets in the island nation.

Benjamin is vice chairman and CEO of ATI Career Training, which operates 23 campuses in five states, and he brings his business skills to bear in his philanthropic efforts.  His many causes include breast cancer recovery and scholarships for veterans, but dogs especially grab his heart.  “I wake up each morning excited in supporting two personal initiatives – adults seeking to improve their lives through education and homeless animals that deserve a second chance at life.”  He contributes to rescue groups across the country, including Tri County Humane Society in Boca Raton.

“Arthur will go to the ends of the earth to save an animal,” says Tri County founder Jeanette Christos.  “Whenever we need him, he is always there.  He’s one of a kind.”

This article appeared in City&Shore Magazine in the July/August 2010 issue.  The article was written by Elizabeth Rahe.

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American Dog Rescue 11231 US Highway 1, Suite 420 North Palm Beach, FL 33408

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